powered by coffee
Quiet Muffin
we are BAking games
just baking
Trposhi 2.0
Post-jam version of the game Trposhi. We had so many ideas and so little time on Ludum Dare 48 that we had to promise ourselves that we would finish the game in the form it deserves.
Keep up to date with development by supporting us on Patreon or follow us on Twitter.


NekoMancer - LD 55
The story takes place in a magical forest guarded by 4 spirits called Neko. However, something terrible happened and these good spirits disappeared and an infection began to spread through the forest. According to superstitions, this place was occupied by an evil black dog spirit called Kurogami.

In a world where the land has been poisoned, the only hope for survival is the food that grows in the clouds. As a skilled harvester, you must navigate the perilous heights to gather as much of this life-sustaining resource as possible. Can you keep your community alive in the face of this terrifying new world?

Pizza Come: Deliverance - LD 53
Pizza Come Deliverance is a 2D platform game where you have to get the pizza to the customer as a pizza delivery girl.

Sky Harvest - LD52
In a world where the land has been poisoned, the only hope for survival is the food that grows in the clouds. As a skilled harvester, you must navigate the perilous heights to gather as much of this life-sustaining resource as possible. Can you keep your community alive in the face of this terrifying new world?

Small game inspired by game Train.

Stuck gun is a 2D action shooter where you, as a soldier, are doomed to fight against a bunch of monsters on alien planets with a powerful laser weapon that is unfortunately stuck.

Circuits is a short game created for Ludum Dare 50, where part of your computer goes rogue and tries to load a virus to your computer.
Your goal is to help your friendly CPU resist the virus upload by winning mini games.

Unstable Game - LD49
It is about collecting as many points as possible in an environment that is obviously unstable.

Trposhi - LD 48
You are in the role of commander of 4 dwarves. Common goal is to get deeper and deeper. Obviously, deeper is where more gold is. Dwarves like more gold, duh. After all, if it weren’t of the gold, you wouldn’t see the dwarves outside of the tavern. Don’t forget to follow the dwarf’s drinking regimen regularly.

Stuck in a TIME loop - LD 47
The aim of the game is to escape from the recurring time loop. You will have to go through the whole level without a single mistake so that you get to the “Time Loop Machine” in time.

Loading - LD 47
You are stuck in loading screen. The loading screen is very EVIL and master of bamboozles! Be careful.

Dont taste the lava - LD 46
Your goal is to prevent the monster taste (fall into) the lava. Pave the way for the monster using blocks so it doesn’t fall into it. The difficulty gets higher over time and we are sorry in advance for rage-broken keyboards. DON’T PANIC! Every level has a solution (sometimes even more than one).

We have Nothing - LD45
Ludum Dare Game Jam entry and our first game.
We discovered our passion for making video games thanks to this project.

What next?
What will be our next great act? Let us know.
About us

Vojta (28)
QM since October 2019
Made his first game when 12 years old. Since then, he is trying to make games for fun in his spare time.
Attended several game jams and is focusing his energy into game dev since LD45, when he teamed up with Míra.
Other interests are gaming and cooking.

Míra (31)
QM since October 2019
Graduated from high school of IT in Prague.
Dreamed of developing games since a little boy,
but did not create his first game until 16 years old.
A few trials and a lot of mistakes followed.
The idea to devote more time to game dev came with Ludum Dare #45.
Other interests are finance and fantasy literature.